Monday, September 17, 2012

The Back Beach.

The Back Beach
I just finished uploading my camera. I had over 750 photos of our trip to Ontario plus a few from home - separate of the ones that you have seen which were from my iphone. At the cottage, as there is lots of sand, rocks and water, I only use the sport camera. And I misplaced the USB cord. But I found it, and now I have a mountain of photos to show you, but only so much time. To keep it simple, I will choose themes. Theme one. The Back Beach: Ongoing Super Construction Project
Quality Control and Safety


April said...

Hahhaa love the qual & safety team!!

Judy Martin said...

I haven't been to your blog for a while and it is lovely to see so many photos.

I enjoyed the trip up the CN tower.
I liked the poly wog hunting trip with Uncle J.

Beautiful self portrait as well, dear one.

Grace Martin said...

HAHAHA - love the captions