The chickens now have an outdoor coop (and we have the garage back - they were living in a dryer box on it's side in there) They are officially 6 weeks old and plenty hardy enough to venture outside in all weather. The box is closed in for now, but they have access to the yard from the front door which will be closed at night, and will have access to a fenced in run from a back door. And we can maintain and access them from the roof and side door - without having to go into the run. Matt is glad he bought a contractors box of hinges. Gates and doors abound!
We decided to put them under the deck to A. provide a protected, snow free run area that gets great east sun. B. Close to the house and utilities = easy to maintain. No excuses! C. Southern exposure for all.
We'll see how it goes! It's exciting... isn't it?
Good workers.
Nest box access.
Good work.
Access door.
Under the deck! It's pretty heavy but it's got wheels, baby.
Finishing touches...
Jacko and the birds!
wow! impressive work! lucky boys.
that is awesome! they are going to be really happy chickens this winter!
Congratulations on a super duper house for the birdies.
Excellent work Matt!
Very good lovin' Everett and Jacko.
I love your encouraging words, Oona.
Nice! This is so, so cool. Well done, all!xo
awesome under taking.
and if your boys ever act up they've now the perfect place to hide out.
chicken coop is the new dog house :)
Please update your blog.
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