Thursday, August 04, 2011

New Arrivals and a BIRTHDAY!

Grandma Jane and Grampa Carl were here to celebrate Everett's birthday week.
Everett is 5. omygoodness.

He asked for chickens for his birthday.
He got 5 'cause he's 5.

(they're 4 Golden Laced plus 1 Splash Blue Red Laced Wyandottes)
names to follow... stay tuned.


Judy Martin said...


What a beautiful gift. Five baby chicks.

It will be so fun and educational to watch them mature.

Also like seeing your garden and fence in the photos, along with those two beautiful boys.


April said...

ooooohhhhhh hooooo cute. can it get any cuter? really? maybe get some puppies too?

ayiyiyiiiii hope no one is planning a live action chuck that chicken tournament!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EV! i will call when i can! x

Grace Martin said...

This is amazing! Looks like it was a great birthday. Cool gift, Everett. Love, love, love.