Monday, March 19, 2012

in an effort to catch up...

No, the snow did not suddenly disappear... these are from October.
A field trip to the fire station and...

A walk on the boardwalk at Potter's Marsh.

Better late than never!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

back in time...

March 2007

March 2008

March 2009

February 2010

March 2011

February 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

At least March is sunny...

except these snowy pictures are from January 12, 2012. So you can see how much snow we had on our roof then... never mind the driveway.

The painting photos are just from last week. Oh, yeah... I stopped bothering with smocks. I find skin cleans up much easier.

You can tell it's March by the beautiful sunlight. Hooray March!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

worth blogging about...

So far, as of last week, Anchorage needed 9 inches to break the 1954-55 record of 11 feet (133 inches). Somehow, this feels worth mentioning. We just had some help clearing off our roof, which was a good 28" deep of dense, settled snow. Often, late March delivers another load of snow, usually 8-12" and heavy and wet. A number of roofs have collapsed around the city throwing everyone into a bit of a panic about it all. Now we have a literal mountain of snow, which I call the castle, behind the house with 4' deep pathway surrounding it. This could be exciting, because before the roof was cleared we were playing gophers in the snowbanks next to the road in front of the house. We even managed to build a tunnel with a pop up hole. Who knows what we'll do with "the castle".