I forgot how cold November can be. It's been below zero (farenheit) for the past week and it's tricky to get us all outside for very long. We did enjoy a nice fire in the fireplace outside. And the moose came back and had a nap in our backyard.
The first snow came overnight November 9th. It was a big day for our house. I know this because I started a big wall calender with Monday, November 9th as the first day - Christmas is coming so soon. New snow and the first day of swimming lessons! (And first day of no more diapers!?! ) That evening a moose came calling and ate the pumpkin off our front stoop. On the 10th Jack turned four weeks old.
Halloween was a big deal. Thanks to Gramma Jude, we had a cozy warm Buddy the Dinosaur (T-REX) costume to wear to a party and out trick'r treating. Sadly, we didn't break out the Turtle costume for Jack, but we did dress him up in a Pumpkin sleeper wrapped in a ladybug blankie and hat.
Matt does a great job of dressing up the driveway for trick'r treat-er's. He likes it when a house is clearly open for business.