I'm really pleased with the garden. It is really productive right now and as always, continues to be a great learning experience. I'm still supplementing every week from the farmer's market, mainly because our lettuce never really seemed to take hold. And I could easily eat every single carrot in our garden in one sitting. Next year I'm doing lots more broccoli in succession, lots more lettuce in succession. No onions, but as many carrots as we can. More dill. More cucumbers in containers. A big pot for zucchini. Less beans. Cilantro in pots. We did the perfect amount of chard, though I might add an additional green like Tatsoi. The radishes were really fun, but I don't really like them so most have them have gone to seed and have sent their pink-veined white flowers tumbling throughout the vegetable beds. The peas are great. The sunflowers are awesome. All the flowers are awesome. They are what make the whole thing really fun for me. I'm crossing my fingers that a moose won't come over the fence.